
The following settings can be defined in SDC Verifier:

Unit System

Model Unit system is applied to the conversion units in the check calculations. It is used in the following predefined standards: API RP 2A LRFD and WSD, AISC89, DIN15018, FEM 1.001, Eurocode 3 Fatigue, Eurocode3 Members Checks, Norsok N004 and ISO 19902.

Display Unit system is used to display plots/tables and data in a report.

Unit system | SDC Verifier

Execute Settings - Main - Unit System from the ribbon:

Menu settings | SDC Verifier

Usage of the unit system: In ISO 19902 standard tubes should meet the following requirements: thickness ≥6mm and Yield > 500 MPa:

Unit system | SDC Verifier

Legend Settings

Legend Settings define a legend style for different results categories using the following parameters: Mode, Min/Max, Number of Levels and Legend Format.

Legend settings | SDC Verifier

Execute Settings - Main - Legend from the ribbon:

Menu legend settings  | SDC Verifier

  • Mode - represents how the legend is displayed;
  • Min/Max - allows to set bottom and top values to be shown on the plot legend (can be set all types of the Mode except Automatic and User Defined modes);
  • Number of Levels - represent number of levels that are displayed on the plot legend;
  • Legend Format - show numbers in a legend in general or exponent format.

It is possible to modify settings in the table one by one or edit few at once by using Set to Selected group.

Legend settings can be saved to the library and used in another projects by pressing Settings | Help | SDC Verifier. Press Settings | Help | SDC Verifier to load from the library.

Press Set as Default and current legend settings will be stored as default.

Press Restore from Default to load your default settings.

Press Reset to load program initial default settings.

Number Formats

Number Formats defines a display style of numbers in the tables for different results categories.

Number formats  | SDC Verifier

Execute Settings - Main - Number Format from the ribbon:

Menu settings  | SDC Verifier

It is possible to modify settings in the table one by one or edit few at once by using Number Format group.

Number formats  | SDC Verifier

Number Formats can be saved to the library and used in another projects by pressing Settings | Help | SDC Verifier. Press Settings | Help | SDC Verifier to load from the library.

Press Set as Default and current number format settings will be stored as default.

Press Restore from Default to load your default settings.

Press Reset to load program initial default settings.

Number Format for Checks

It is possible to edit number formats settings and modify the parameter category:

Number formats  | SDC Verifier

Standard Custom Settings

Standard Custom Settings allow to set Input values (Constants, Characteristics, Classifications) of the predefined standards only once that can be later used when creating/editing standards with one button click instead of set values for each Input separately.

Standard Custom Settings | SDC Verifier

Standards - list of implemented standards;

Custom Settings - list of available settings for the selected standard;

Note: By default all the values are used as recommended by the standard (e.g. material factors, coefficients etc.) or the first value in the list if the value depends on the model information (e.g. type of steel, notch class etc.).

Press Reset All to set default values to all standards in the list or Reset to set default values to the selected standard in case it is necessary to return to the recommended values of the standard.

It is possible to create predefined lists of settings. For example if standard uses input that should be filled in model units - it is possible to Export/Import settings to/from the file depending which project is used. In both cases it is possible to select list of standards that will be exported/imported to/from the file.

Numeric types of input can be set by numeric value. Custom types of input will be displayed as a list of options. Example of EN 13001 (2018) standard that uses both numeric and custom Characteristic inputs:

Standard Custom Settings Example2 | SDC Verifier

Standard Custom Settings Example1 | SDC Verifier

After pressing the Settings | Help | SDC Verifier button - standard will be filled with the values defined in the Standard Custom Settings.

Note: if some of the settings have already been filled in - warning message will appear and all the settings will be replaced with the default values after confirmation:

Standard Custom Settings Warning | SDC Verifier

Edit Library

The commands from this menu allow removing/importing items for Standards/Legend Settings/Number Formats/Wind Profiles/Shape libraries.

Number formats  | SDC Verifier

For all 4 libraries except Shape Library, the following dialog is shown. It contains a list of stored items and the description table:

Number formats | SDC Verifier

Press Settings | Help | SDC Verifier to remove selected items.

Press Settings | Help | SDC Verifier to import standards from the '.sdcs' files that were possible to be exported in old versions of SDC Verifier.

To import items from database file press Import. Press Browse to select the *.db file, check items in the list to import:

Edit standard import library tool | SDC Verifier

Shape Library

Shapes library contains a list of predefined or user defined shapes that can be used in Optimization Tool

Shape Library | SDC Verifier

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - modify defined shape lists:

Shape Library List Manager | SDC Verifier

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - add new shape list;

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - rename selected shape list;

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - remove selected shapes from the current list or a full list from the library;

It is possible to filter shapes by Name, Shape List, Type, Width, Height, Area, Iyy, Izz. Set a filter by shape properties/dimensions directly in a column:

Shape Library Filter Shapes | SDC Verifier

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - add selected shapes to predefined shape list;

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - clear all filters;

Settings | Help | SDC Verifier - remove selected shapes from the library. It is possible to remove only shapes that were stored by user;