ASME BTH-1 Members (2023)

ASME BTH-1 Members (2023) - provides implementation according to Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices 2023.

This Standard supports double symmetric I-shapes, single symmetric channels, circular tubes, rectangular tubes, circular and rectangular bars.

To add the standard execute Standards - Main - ASME - ASME BTH-1 Members (2023) from the ribbon:

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Press ASME BTH-1 Members (2023) | Help | SDC Verifier to Set Standard Custom Settings

Data from Beam Member Finder is used automatically. If beam members are not recognized press ASME BTH-1 Members (2023) | Help | SDC Verifier.

Section Build Type - define whether section is rolled or built-up.

Section Net Area (Para. 3-2.1) - effective net tensile area (Described in paragraph 3-2.1) [Default value = 0].

Beam Brace Type (Para. 3-2.3) - define whether beam is braced against twist or lateral displacement of the compression element at the ends of the unbraced length. [Default value = Yes] Required to calculate the value of C_LTB (Lateral - torsional buckling strength coefficient) for Rectangular Bars, I-shape Sections and Channels (Described in paragraph 3-2.3).

C_mx (Para. 3-2.4) - set coefficient applied to bending term in interaction equation about the x-axis for prismatic members and dependent on column curvature caused by applied moments, (Described in paragraph 3-2.4) [Default value = 1]. Lower value may be used if justified by the analysis. Note: C_mx is also used as C_m for cylindrical members in this implementation.

C_my (Para. 3-2.4) - define coefficient applied to bending term in interaction equation about the y-axis for prismatic members and dependent on column curvature caused by applied moments, (Described in paragraph 3-2.4) [Default value = 1] Lower value may be used if justified by the analysis.

Calculate Cb (based on moment diagram, Para. 3-2.3) - turn on to calculate Cb using equation 3-12, turn off to set it manually in characteristic - User Defined:

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M1 = smaller bending moment at the end of the unbraced length of a beam taken about the major axis of the member.

M2 = larger bending moment at the end of the unbraced length of a beam taken about the major axis of the member.

Note: When Calculate Cb option is turned ON and the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length, Cb is taken as unity.

Calculate Asymmetric Shapes as Symmetric - turn on to treat asymmetric shapes as symmetric in calculations. Min width and thickness are used.

Calculate Beyond Limits (Table 3-2.2-1 or Para. 3-2.3-6) - turn on to calculate beam members NOT satisfying limits from Table 3-2.2-1 or paragraph 3-2.3-6, using a yield strength reduced to satisfy those limits. Otherwise, if turn off - error code is displayed when beam member does not satisfy limits conditions.

Nominal Design Factor (Para. 3-1.3.1) - define 2.00 for Design Category A lifters, 3.00 - B, 6.00 - C (Described in paragraph 3-2.3.1).