ASME VIII (Div2, 2010)

ASME VIII (Div2, 2010) - provides rules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components. Chapters 3.F.1 Smooth Bar Design Fatigue Curves and 5.5.3 Fatigue Assessment - Elastic Stress Analysis and Equivalent Stresses are implemented.

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ASME8 | SDC Verifier

Press ASME VIII (Div2, 2010) | Help | SDC Verifier to Set Standard Custom Settings

Material Type - used to determine Fatigue Penalty Factors in Table 5.13;

Average Allowable Stress due to Temperature - used in calculations of allowable limit on the primary plus secondary stress range (;

Modulus of Elasticity - used to establish the design fatigue curve. Used if formula (3.F.3);

Tangent Modulus of Elasticity - evaluated at the temperature of interest. Used if formula (3.F.3);

Weld and Surface Conditions - used to determine Weld Surface Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factor from Table 5.11;

Quality Level - used to determine Weld Surface Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factor from Table 5.11. See Table 5.12 for details;

User Defined Kev (Fatigue Penalty Factor) - set Fatigue Penalty Factor manually;

Calculate Kev based on Spk (conservative) - calculate Fatigue Penalty Factor by formulas 5.31-5.33;

Yield and Tensile

Standard uses material data (Yield/Tensile) in calculations. Wizard checks if the values are defined for all materials.