AS 3990 (1993)

This Standard is intended to apply to steelwork associated with mechanical equipment such as boilers and pressure vessels, lifts, cranes, mining equipment, gas and liquid petroleum piping systems and bulk handling equipment.

Note: Checks are performed for the following symmetric cross sections: I-beams, Channels, Tee, Circular and Rectangular tubes.

To add the Standard execute Standards - Main - Other - AS 3990 (1993) from the ribbon:

AS3990 | SDC Verifier

Press AS 3990 (1993) | Help | SDC Verifier to Set Standard Custom Settings

According to the calculation procedure, Beam Length for Y and Z direction is required. Data from Beam Member Finder is used automatically.

Standard uses material data (Yield/Tensile) in calculations. Wizard checks if the values are defined for all materials.

Use Yield Strength From Materials - take values of Yield Strength from materials;

Define Yield Strength - manually define Yield Strength over properties;