Individual Load

SDC Verifier gives a possibility to create the following types of Individual Loads:

  • Individual Load for Calculation - has a boundary condition and will be calculated during analysis. The boundary condition can be set by Fem Load and Constraint
  • From Existing Results based on Result Cases (it is not linked to any FEM Load and Constraint). This type of load is skipped during the analysis.

To create Individual Loads, execute Jobs - Job - Individual Loads from the tree:


To create few Individual Loads for the calculation, select the Fem Loads and the Constraints from the lists and each pair of FEM Load and Constraint will be created as an Individual Load.

To create Individual Loads based on the results, click on the From Existing Results tab:


Select Result Cases and press Create.


To edit a single Individual Load, select it in the Tree:

It is possible to modify the boundary conditions, the safety factor or attached Output Set.

To edit a few Individual Loads execute Jobs - Job - Individual Loads - Edit Multiple:

Individual Loads Edit Multiple Femap

Fem Load or Constraint can be changed for a few selected Individual Loads by pressing Apply to Selected.

Fem Load/Constraint can be modified from Clipboard. Copy IDs from Excel, select a single cell (top left corner) and press from Clipboard:

Individual Loads Edit Multiple Clipboard Femap

If Fem Load/Constraint ID exists in the model it is replaced with Title otherwise ID is pasted. Alternatively, it is possible to manually type ID in the Fem Load/Constraint column to edit Individual Load.

Imports Results

To import the Result Cases into the Individual Loads execute Jobs - Job - Individual Loads - Import Results from the tree:

Result Case column displays the Result Case attached to the load or "-" if the load does not have results.

In the Multiple Loads group box is possible to link the multiple Result Cases to multiple Individual Loads. Select the Individual Loads, the Result Cases and press Distribute. Use All button to include all available Loads or all available Result Cases.

Note: If an amount of available loads is equal to the number of available Result Cases all items will be selected automatically.


If some of the selected loads already have results in static job, then the warning message will be displayed.

To remove all results from all loads press Remove All Result Cases.

Safety Factors

Safety Factor is used in the calculation according to the standards:


To change multiple safety factors execute Jobs - Job - Individual Loads - Safety Factors from the tree:


Set Safety Factor value and press Set to selected to apply it for the selected loads.