
The Ribbon is located at the top of the main SDC Verifier window and contains the following pages:

Page "File"

This page contains the following commands: create, open, save a project and edit its properties, etc.

Page File | SDC Verifier

When SDC Verifier is started a project has to be created or opened.

New Project

For the first run of SDC Verifier on the workbench project, step-by-step project wizard will be opened:

New project Window | SDC Verifier

1. Project Details - possible to fill in the project, engineer and customer details that will be used on the first page of the report;

2. Jobs - link to analysis in Ansys Mechanical;

3. Load Sets - depending on the job type is an analysis result step or a linear combination of result steps multiplied on factors;

4. Load Groups - an envelope of results that can contain individual loads, load sets or other load groups. The worst load can be found by using the load group results;

5. Report Wizard - choose one of the presented report types. After Finish button is pressed, the report wizard will be opened automatically;

Show on startup - show project wizard window every time a new project is created.


Edit the opened project data:

Edit Projects | SDC Verifier

All the settings are the same as described in New Project chapter.

Model file path - location of the model file.

Project Details - a project number, report version and a project name;

Engineer details - a company and an engineer details who prepared this project;

Customer details - a company for whom the project is prepared;

Note: Engineer and Customer details are default settings for each new report.

Store to - save engineer/customer data to the library;

Load from - load engineer/customer data from the library.

Open Project

Project can be selected fro, the list of available projects:

Choose File | SDC Verifier

Note: If there are no saved SDC projects, a message will appear:

no saved files

Note: If only one SDC project is saved, it will be opened automatically.

Save/Save as

Save the project to existing file or define a new file name (Save as):

Save as

Copy Results Folder - the results of loads/standards calculated in SDC Verifier will be copied to a new folder and will be used in the saved project.


SDC projects are saved together with a workbench project. Otherwise SDC project changes will be lost.

The Ansys Model file will not be saved.

Export Parts to File

Export current project parts (Views, Components, Recognition Tools, Reports) to the file that can be imported in another project. Select the items from the list to be exported and select the location to save the file:

Preferences Window | SDC Verifier

Import Parts from File

Import project parts (Views, Components, Recognition Tools, Reports) from the selected file that was created by Export Parts to File command.

Note: Project that uses different model from the one the information was exported should be checked manually as the ids of the items (e.g. elements, materials, loads) can be different and consequently some information can be mixed up or will not exist.

Project Preferences

Common settings of SDC Verifier that will be used for all projects.

Preferences Window | SDC Verifier

Automatic Backup

To prevent loosing of data in SDC Verifier use option Automatic Backup. It is possible to set the time intervals between the savings in minutes. By default, Automatic Backup is enabled and the time interval is 5 minutes. The Save With Model option allows to save the model after the project is saved.

If the project is saved, the backup file is stored in the project directory with the name "/Project Name/_backup type_/date_time/.ansb". If the project is not saved, the backup file is stored in the Model file directory with "/Model file Name/_backup type_/date_time/.ansb". Where backup type is "auto backup", "backup" or "daily backup":

If SDC Verifier detects an unexpected exception, the file with the name "/Project Name/_restore.ansb" will be created with the last project data.


The Network options are recommended to be set only if the Internet connection is through Proxy Server and SDC Verifier fails to send the registration request or error reports.

Results saving

Select the type of results to be stored to the disk - load or check results by the selected load types.

Report Settings:

Update model before report generation - show notification to update the model information from Mechanical before the report generation.

Recalculate jobs before report generation - clear all results for Load Sets and Load Groups and recalculate them.

Fix Small Numbers Format - if a number is not zero, but after formatting display 0 then the number is shown in the scientific format.

Save and Load Report Items Content - keep Report Designer structure generated even after reopening the project. Option is used for all new Report Designers and can be overridden in the Report Settings of each Report Designer.

Load Type in Load Title - displays full type (e.g. Individual load) or abbreviation (e.g. IL) in a title of the load chapter.

Scratch Folder

The Scratch Folder option defines the location for storing temporary files during calculations.

Table rows count Limitation

If Warning about rows count over limit is selected a warning message for the tables with the row count more than the limitation count will be displayed. Generation of tables that do not match the condition will not be displayed in the report.

Default view (center, rotation, magnification)

Options are set for the default view when a new SDC Verifier project is created.

Use isometric view settings - rotation around X axis = 35.26439°; around Y = -45°; around Z = 0°. Center and magnification values are obtained after the model is auto scaled;

Use current view settings - rotation, center and magnification will be taken from the position of the model at the moment the new project is created;


Read Each Body as Separate Property - by default SDC Verifier groups all Ansys Bodies into Properties by the same material, same cross section (for line bodies) or by the same thickness (for shell bodies). Turn on the option to read each body as a separate property. This may help in running recognition tools (e.g. 'Split Plate if Different Property IDs' option in Panel Finder Tool)

SDC Verifier does not update automatically the model from Mechanical. To prevent problems with different models in Mechanical and SDC Verifier check the option Update model before analysis;

Show confirmation before deleting - displays the message with a confirmation.

Update recognition tools on project opening - updates joints, beam members, welds, buckling plates if the model was modified since the last project's save;

Show wizard on new project startup - display a project wizard window every time new project is created;

Export to Excel using COM object - create Excel file and open it. Requires installed MS Excel;

DPI awareness - enable the different DPI scaling behavior;

Show Model Changelog on Project Opening - displays window with an information of original and new items (elements, beam members etc.) count. Window is displayed after project opening and if the model was changed.

Modified Items Window | SDC Verifier

Other Page "File" Commands

Renumber IDs - renumber Ids for all items in the project starting from ID = 1.


Renumbering the result items where the results can be stored to the files (jobs, loads, checks, standards) will lead to results clearing with a confirmation message since they are linked to the files by their IDs.

Close - unload the current SDC project and asks if the project has to be saved;

Menu Save Changes | SDC Verifier

Page "Home"

This page contains the following commands:

  • Update Model - synchronize model information (elements, properties etc.) from Mechanical with SDC Verifier project;
  • View - add new View;
  • Analyze - run analysis of active Job in Ansys. Submenu contains commands to select a different job for analysis or Analyze Multiple jobs and standards to be calculated;
  • Report Layout - allows customizing an appearance of the generated content;
  • Results Manager - allows to operate with calculated by SDC Verifier results that are saved to files and choose the result folder location;
  • Export Results - export selected criteria/contour plots that were previously created in Jobs and Standards to Ansys Mechanical;
  • Governing Loads - finds the critical (governing) loads from a large group of load combinations.
  • Peak Finder - finds all peak zones based on the output results and presents them using a special plot and a summary table.
  • Freebody - calculates a balanced set of forces/moments on a chosen part of a model.
  • Optimization Tool - optimize structure design;
  • SDC API - automate the process of interaction with SDC Verifier.
  • Run Script - installs or runs a script prepared by support team to manage/fix specific requests on a software.
  • If script is predefined - it is required to install the script only once and it will be added to a list of predefined scripts and the message with the instructions how to run the script will appear:

    Run Script Command | SDC Verifier

    If script is not predefined - to run the script it is necessary to select the script file each time.

  • Run Predefined Script - opens window to select a predefined script to be run.

Settings Menu | SDC Verifier

Page "Settings"

This menu contains:

  • Unit System - used for the conversion units in check calculations;
  • Legend Settings - define the legend style for different result categories;
  • Number Formats - define the display style of numbers in the tables;
  • Standards Settings - set Input values (Constants, Characteristics, Classifications) of the predefined standards;
  • Edit Library - manage Standards, Wind, Number Format, Legend Settings and Shapes libraries.

Settings Menu | SDC Verifier

Page "Recognitions"

These menu commands are for model recognition:

  • Recognize All - run automatic recognition of all recognition tools;
  • If any recognition tool contains recognized structural items - the window with the options to be applied for existing items will appear:

    Recognize All Action | SDC Verifier

    After the recognition process is finished, the window with the summary information will appear:

    Recognize All Summary | SDC Verifier

    Recognition tools that require a manual intervention are marked with warnings in the round brackets.

  • Joints Finder - recognize joints (1D, 2D, 3D, beam-plate and user joints);
  • Beam Member Finder - recognize length in y, z and torsional directions;
  • Beam Section Finder - group beam elements by planes XY, YZ, ZX and Custom;
  • Panel Finder - recognize sections, plates, stiffeners and their dimensions automatically;
  • Weld Finder - recognize welds on the model;
  • Connection Finder - recognize beam-to-beam connections on the model;

Recognition Menu | SDC Verifier

Page "Tools"

Tools Menu | SDC Verifier

Page "Standards"

Add predefined or custom standards. List of available predefined standards is described in the Standards chapter.

Standard Menu | SDC Verifier

Page "Help"

Contains commands to open help topics, request a license etc.

  • Help Topics - Opens an online help on Get Started chapter;
  • Website - visit SDC Verifier website;
  • Tutorials - open a page with available tutorials at SDC Verifier website;
  • YouTube - open SDC Verifier YouTube channel with list of demos/webinars;
  • License Manager - manage the license or request it. For more detailed information see Licensing;
  • License Information - full information about the amount of licenses and licensed modules;
  • Log File - Open - open the file that contains detailed information about errors. It is recommended to send this file and the error description to
  • Log File - Open File Location - open a directory where the log file is located;
  • Check for Updates - Check if a new version is available:
  • Version Check Window | SDC Verifier

  • Check for Notifications - checks on messages or important information from SDC Verifier. Messages are displayed at the bottom right pop up window. Critical messages are shown in the separate window;
  • About - dialog with SDC Verifier information:
  • About SDC Verifier Window | SDC Verifier

Help Menu | SDC Verifier