Get Started

List of supported by SDC Verifier CAE versions can be checked here.

Extension Installation

After SDC Verifier is installed, a communication between SDC Verifier and Ansys has to be installed. To configure the communication perform the following steps:

Start Ansys Workbench and perform Extensions -> Install Extension...:

Get Started Extension Ansys | SDC  Verifier

SDC Verifier Extension file (*.wbex) is downloaded together with setup files. Alternatively, the extension can be downloaded in Ansys App Store. Choose the file that corresponds to your Ansys version and press Open:

Get Started Open Extension Ansys | SDC  Verifier

The following message will appear:

To Load extension, execute Extensions - ACT Start Page and press Manage Extensions:

Click on SDC-ANSYS Plugin and press Load extension or Load as default.

Load Extension - the extension will be available only for saved a workbench project. For each project extension has to be loaded manually;

Load as default - the extension will be available every time the workbench is started;

After the extension is loaded, SDC Verifier will appear in the workbench toolbox:

Get Started

SDC Verifier is an extension for Ansys. The goal of SDC Verifier is to check structures according to standards and generate a full calculation report.

SDC Verifier starts from the Workbench:

  1. Find SDC Verifier in the list;
  2. Drag item to the Project Schematic;
  3. Attach model;
  4. Double click to run SDC Verifier;

Note: Minimum supported version of Ansys is 18.2.

For the first run of SDC Verifier on the workbench project, step-by-step project wizard will be opened:

Ansys get started project wizard | SDC Verifier

  1. Project Details - possible to fill in the project, engineer and customer details that will be used on the first page of the report;
  2. Jobs - link to analysis in Ansys Mechanical. Read more...;
  3. Load Sets - depending on the job type is an analysis result step or a linear combination of result steps multiplied on factors. Read more...;
  4. Load Groups - an envelope of results that can contain individual loads, load sets or other load groups. The worst load can be found by using the load group results. Read more...;
  5. Report Wizard - choose one of the presented report types. After the Finish button is pressed, the report wizard will be opened automatically. Read more....

Show on startup - do not open a project wizard on empty project. Option can be changed in Preferences;

In case one SDC project is saved, it will be opened automatically. The list of saved SDC projects will be displayed otherwise:

Note: new SDC project will be created if the model is opened first time with SDC Verifier. In case one SDC project is saved, it will be opened automatically. List of saved SDC projects will be displayed otherwise:


SDC projects are saved together with a workbench project. If the workbench project will not be saved, SDC project changes will be lost.


After the installation SDC Verifier is not licensed. The License Manager will appear automatically:

Execute Help - License Manager to install or request the license:

SDC Verifier supports three license types:

  • TRIAL/SINGLE COMPUTER - works on a single computer;
  • USB DONGLE - license file is stored on a USB flash disk. This option is available only for customer who purchased USB dongle before 1 January 2019;
  • FLOATING - a fixed number of users can connect to the license server simultaneously (*.wlin file).

Note: The demo version with limitation to 2000 nodes models was removed in version 5.2. It is required to request a trial license in order to evaluate SDC Verifier.

To install a single computer, trial or floating licenses press add license to browse for files and check respective one to be processed.

Press remove license to remove selected licenses.

Press OK to accept the checked license file.

If you don't have a license click Request License.

Request a License

First, select the license type: trial, single computer or floating.

Fill in Company, Contact Person, E-Mail, Telephone, select CAE Programs, chose license option from PROFESSIONAL, ENTERPRISE or customize options manually.

To customize license options press Set Modules and select modules on window below:

Select Modules Window | SDC Verifier

Press Generate License Request to create license data.

To send a license request using default Mail Client click Send. Alternatively, copy the request data and send it manually to

Check Try SDC Verifier FEA Independent Interface to get an opportunity to try a new independent software.

For detailed information about license types click here.

Floating License installation

The floating license server is located on the Internet and it is not required to setup and configure any additional software on the company servers.

Simply execute Help - License - License Manager from the ribbon. Browse the license file (*.wlin) and press OK.

If the license is accepted, the following message will appear:

In case if all available licenses are used, the server replies with:

SDC Verifier will continue to request the license from a server:

SDC Verifier License Request

Note: If in your company the software which limits access to internet resources is used, please, add an exception to the following resources:,, and

Borrow License

For floating license type it is possible to borrow a license. An offline license file for a single computer from 1 to 14 days will be created. The borrowing request should be sent from the computer where the license will be used:

SDC Verifier License Borrow

Select the borrowing period and specify the name of the single computer license and press OK.

The number of floating licenses will be decreased on one for the requested period automatically.

Proxy settings

If proxy software is used to limit access to internet resources, floating license requests can fail and SDC Verifier will be not licensed. Press Proxy Settings on License Manager form to configure proxy settings:

Auto-detect proxy - used by default when no proxy software is used. Default system web proxy settings will be used. If this option is turned off, the proxy settings have to be set manually.

If proxy authentication is used by the proxy software, it is necessary to fill in the username and password.

Note: Proxy settings are encrypted and stored on the local machine.

Note: Request proxy settings details from a network administrator if it is necessary.

Alternatively, proxy settings can be configured in Preferences.

In case of any questions, suggestions or problems please send an e-mail to or visit the site