AS 4100 (2020)

This Standard provides designers of steel structures with specifications for steel structural members used for load-carrying purposes in buildings and other structures.

Note: Checks are performed for the following symmetric cross sections: I-beams, Channels, Tee, Circular and Rectangular tubes, Circular and Rectangular bars.

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AS4100 | SDC Verifier

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According to the calculation procedure, Beam Length for Y and Z direction is required. Data from Beam Member Finder is used automatically. If beam members are not recognized press AS 4100 (2020) | Help | SDC for Ansys


Residual Stresses - Tables 5.2 and 6.2.4;

Section Net Area - Net area of the cross-section (Cl 7.2), Default value = 0;

Correction Factor - Correction factor for distribution of forces (Table 7.3.2), Default value = 1;

Twist Restraint Factor - Table 5.6.3(A), Default value = 1;

Load Height Factor - Table 5.6.3(B), Default value = 1;

Lateral Rotation Restraint Factor - Table 5.6.3(C), Default value = 1;

Moment Modification Factor - Table 5.6.1 or 5.6.2, Default value = 1;

Lateral Restraint - (Cl 5.3.1), Does segment have full lateral restraint? Default value = Yes;

Section Constant - Appropriate member section constant (Table 6.3.3(A) or 6.3.3(B)), Default value = 0;

Calculate Asymmetric Shapes as Symmetric - Calculate asymmetric shapes as symmetric. Min width and thickness are used.


Capacity factors for strength limit states, Phi - Table 3.4